Customize the VL50 with accessories to help improve event coordination response time.
Event planners can stay in touch
with all services with the VL50
while the light crew can be separate by channel. It’s perfect for
event planners, coordinators and
speakers. Save the AV technicians,
loading crew and security team
steps. Give the food, catering and
entertainment staff more time for
good service. Smart
Increase customer service and satisfaction by connecting your staff.
Cost Effective
Helps maximize job shift productivity with immediate communication.
Easy for staff to use, 1-to-1 or group communication at the touch of a
button, great for high employee turnover industries
Safe and Secure
Enhance your team’s coordination and response time when a disturbance, accident or emergency occurs.
Built for Business Use
Built to withstand everyday wear and tear featuring 56 business exclusive
FCC License Required: VL Series™ Business two-way radios operate on
radio frequencies regulated by the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC). In order to transmit on these frequencies, you are required to have
a license issued by the FCC.